Dream big, sparkle more

Can you handle all the sparkle.
We love birthdays and mummy will go all the extra mile to make sure all are executed well.

Cake are from Chocolate origin... heaven sent.

I ask S to gel and style the kids hair.. and everybody fell in love...
mak bapak kemaruk amik gambar anak yang rambut dah smart....
and the 2 duos, above pics, whenever there is cake, these 2 selalu in front.
Baby Shaila wearing adorable headband crown by Ny and Lu.
 Both the bapaks and all the mummies had a blast.
And someone got really thirsty and try to drink directly from the source.

And at 11pm, we close shop... semua KO

Sometime I thinks that I am wonderwoman and sleeping at 4am on a working day just to make bows for my favourite gentlemen. But seeing the end result... totally worth it. Bows by Ny and Lu.


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