
Allah is great. He had planned everything in advance. He provide us with a very prcious gift. He know that we need this gift to stay strong and patience as a couple. As I mention many many time, Ny gave me strength and patience which I did not know existed.

I try to stay positive in this blog. I did ask S, 'Kalau kita tak ada Ny, I rasa kita ni asyik bertekak ajer eh, macam time boyfren girlfren' He just gave me his relek rolek face.

Its been more thann a year she is in our life. Alhamdulilah. What a sweet ride it has been. For every time I thought I would surely drown, there came a moment to once again fill my lungs with air and find the strength to swim again. That is a sweet, sweet kind of love. One that asks no questions, one that does not define boundaries. It just is.


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